Friday, October 2, 2009

Safety Mechanism on Garage Door Fails Causing Death by Asphyxiation

Recently a 35 yr-0ld Idaho woman was attempting to go under a garage door as it was closing and became trapped under the door causing her to die from ashyxiation. Firefighters and police worked to free the woman from under the door and then ambulated her to the hospital where she died from her injuries. The woman was unconscious and not breathing at the time police arrived on the scene.

Garage doors have saftey mechanisms in place which are supposed to retract the door back to the open position when obstructed, however, as this situation demonstrates they are not foolproof. Hence, it is important to insure that children and others are free and clear from a garage door before attempting to close it. The Consumer Product Safety Commission has required since 1993 that all garage door openers have an external entrapment protection system that has an electric eye (or similar system) aligned with the opening and mounted four to six inches off the floor. The devise is intended to reverse or retract the garage door if it hits anything detected by the sensors in the door's path. A number of older systems retract or reverse only after contact or don't reverse automatically under any circumstances. It is recommended that you consider upgrading your garage door if it is more than 10 years old and, of course, replace any pre-1982 garage door openers that do not reverse.

CONTACT INFORMATION: If you or a family member have been injured or damaged due to the fault or responsibility of someone else, an industrial accident or by a dangerous or defective product, drug or toxic substance, contact Alan Morton for a no obligation, free consultation.

For additional information contact:

Alan L. Morton
1005 North Eighth Street
Post Office Box 420
Boise, ID 83701-0420
Telephone: 208.344.5555
Toll Free: 866.946.1669 [866.WIN.1.NOW]
Facsimile: 208.342.2509

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