Borrowing from Honda's philosophy, I come to work to "kick out the ladder!"
My mother (God rest her soul) taught me at a young age that I should be responsible and accountable for the things that I do and the things that I say. Safety is no accident.
Hence, the primary reason I am an advocate for justice is based upon my belief that people and institutions should be held fully responsible and accountable for the choices they make that result in creating injury and/or death to others in the hope of helping make our homes and communities a safer and better place to live for our kids and grandkids. By holding those responsible and accountable for the harm they create to others, we provide greater incentive to them to help make our homes and communities a safer and better place to live for our kids and grandkids.
We are a society based upon the rule of law. However, when the laws are not enforced, we become that much closer to a lawless society. More and more efforts are underway by companies lobbying for legislation in an attempt to exculpate, exonerate and/or excuse wrongful conduct. In the end, such legislation takes away the wrongdoer's responsibility and accountibility for the injury and damages they commit as a result of their improper or imprudent chioces. Furthermore, by exculpating, exonerating or excusing such wrongful conduct, we remove an important incentive to those wrongdoers to reform/change their conduct and to make better choices that would reduce the risk of injury or death to others which are important step to helping make our homes and communities a safer and better place to live.
For that reason, I am an advocate of justice. For that reason, I am YOUR advocate.
It is up to each of us to make proper choices that make our homes and communities a safer and better place to live. As such, those who make improper choices that result in harm or injury to others should and must be held fully and completely responsible and accountable for their choices. To do otherwise would simply promote unsafe choices, acts and practices that result in a diminished capacity for our children and grandchildren to have healthy and productive lives; such acts diminish their capacity to enjoy the quality of life.
Why do I work Saturday and Sunday? The cause of justice never rests. Now more than ever people are needed to "work" the problem created by those people and institutions that attempt to exculpate, exonerate and excuse wrongful conduct that result in making our homes and communities less safe to live for our kids and grandkids.
As such by helping me, help you, we all benefit by making our homes, communities and world a safer and better place to live. The work of helping restore the damaged lives of people who have been injured or harmed due to the improper choices of others never stops, because people are human and make mistakes. However, the excuses I have heard spanning over three decades by people and institutions trying to avoid responsibility and/or accountability are numerous. Some Defendants are simply lazy and don't want to make choices or decisions that are perceived to be difficult - they take the easy path which result in others being injured or killed; some people make careless decisions while driving a motor vehicle or performing a service or in designing a product without taking into consideration human factors that would otherwise result in eliminating or minimizing the risk of injury or death; some people or institutions are just outright mean spirited and/or evil in their approach of knowingly interjecting goods into the market place that are defective and unreasonably dangerous but are inclined simply to payoff claims rather than incur the costs of a recall of a product to eliminate or minimize the risk of injury or death due to the use of their defective and unreasonably dangerous product. The later are the worse of the worse insofar as they refuse and continue to refuse to accept responsibility AND accountability for the injury and harm their choices bring to others and take the necessary steps to eliminate the risk.
All in all, the reason I work on "most days that end in a 'Y'"(including Saturday and Sunday) is to help each of us make our homes, communities and world a safer and better place to live for our kids and grandkids by helping you make those responsible and accountable for the choices they made that resulted in your family member or you incurring injury or death. By holding people and institutions accountable and responsible for the acts and omissions they make based upon imprudent, unwise and/or inappropriate choices, you and I provide incentive to them to reform their conduct and help make our world a better and safer place to live.
Wherever I am, whether it is at a location investigating an accident, taking a deposition, preparing discovery (including interrogatories, requests for productions or requests for admissions) or preparing for and/or participating in a trial, I arrive at the destination with the intent to "kick out the ladder" until the job gets done.
I love working as an advocate for justice. I believe my Mom was right. We all should be responsible and accountable for the things that we do and the things that we say, and if and when we make poor choices that result in others being injured or damaged as a result thereof, we should do the right thing and step up and accept full and complete responsibility for those decisions. My life's work and passion has been working cases that are meaningful in not only helping restore some order and function to the lives of my clients but in helping make our world a safer and better place by removing defective and unreasonably dangers products from commerce and/or giving incentive to drivers who are reckless or careless to reform their conduct.
Unfortunately, I find that there are now efforts being made by individuals and/or institutions that are trying to exculpate, exonerate or excuse themselves from full and complete responsibility and accountability for their decisions and/or choices. These are the people that need to be confronted and held responsibile and accountable in order to help make our homes and communities a safer and better place to live for our kids and grandkids. That's the reason, I work on every day that ends with a "y" including Saturday and Sunday.
CONTACT INFORMATION: If you or a family member have been injured or damaged due to the fault or responsibility of someone else, an industrial accident or by a dangerous or defective product, drug or toxic substance, contact Alan Morton for a no obligation, free consultation.
For additional information contact:
Alan L. Morton
1005 North Eighth Street
Post Office Box 420
Boise, ID 83701-0420
Telephone: 208.344.5555
Toll Free: 866.946.1669 [866.WIN.1.NOW]
Facsimile: 208.342.2509
Email: amorton@mortonlawyers.com
Website: www.mortonlawyers.com
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